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Sweet Blog

The Best Home Decor Blog Online

My Dream Home

  • person Shai Cohen
My Dream Home


My Dream Home.


And here we are again at Sweet Blog, the sweetest blog online.

The place to be for all fans of the 'Home concept.' 


The ancient theologian Thomas Aquinas once said:

"The things that we love tell us what we are."


Personal taste is indeed an elusive thing that reflects our character and passions. It's what makes our homes uniquely ours.

Today, we invite you, members of our sweet community, to delve into our personal lives and discover the unique aspects of our home design preferences.

Home design, in its essence, is a canvas for our most sensitive and personal expressions. By sharing our personal journey in home design, we aim to foster a deeper connection and engagement within our community.

In the following lines, we will do our best to illustrate how our ideal home 'Feels' and how we prefer it to be designed and looked. 

Unlike the practical recommendations we usually share on our sweet blog, which are based on the field of 'Home Decor,' the following lines will present our own personal preferences.

We chose these elements because they reflect our love for nature and simplicity, and we believe they create a calming, inviting atmosphere. If it works for you, try using them as inspiration.


'My Dream Home - The House Of My Dreams.'

Hop on!




1. Preferred Design Style.



Famous Indian designer Gauri Khan once said:

"My design preference tends toward warmth, comfort, and minimalism."


If you are an existing member of our sweet community, there is no further need to introduce you to the current home design styles out there. And if you are not, firstly, we would love for you to become one. Secondly, please read the relevant article from our sweet blog for an in-depth explanation of the subject.

And now, back to our topic - Our Dream Home.

Our dream home is characterized by simple, uncluttered spaces with clean lines and a lack of fussiness. This design style, commonly referred to as the 'modern style,' is not just about aesthetics, but also about functionality, minimalism, and the use of industrial materials, making every corner of the house practical and efficient.

Our dream home is a sanctuary of tranquility, with free space that is not about emptiness and size, but about a 'clean' and spacious visual space that evokes a sense of calm and freedom.

In our mind's eye, we are chilling on a white armchair in the center of the living room, surrounded by a 'clean' white space that feels liberating and free of conflicts, reflecting the absence of fussiness from every corner of the house and any design cut.

A refreshing breeze comes in every now and then, gently moving the white curtains and allowing the sun's healing rays to enter. 

Reminiscent of the prophet Malachi's words (Malachi 4:2-4 King James Version) - 'Shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings.'

Our Dream Home is not cluttered with a large number of 'things.' Furniture and other familiar home objects indeed exist, but they are designed to fulfill their function most efficiently and practically.


Dream homeThe Modern design style is the one for us


It turns out that our dream home is based on modern design concepts combined with a bit of minimalism, aiming to instill a sense of peace and serenity.

This design style often incorporates natural elements, such as wood and stone, to bring a touch of nature indoors.

Now, let's dive deeper into the elements that make our Dream Home a serene and inspiring space.


On to the next one on our 'Dream Home' journey.



2. Emotions.


The beloved Helen Keller once said:


"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."


Another (and essential) aspect of our 'Dream Home' is the emotional experience it provides.

The 'Quiet Mind concept' is a key element in creating this experience, as it fosters a sense of tranquility and calm that can positively influence our emotional well-being and the overall atmosphere of our home.

Although we all prefer 'Good' and beneficial emotions/sensations, which can positively affect our mood, naturally, each person has their own preferred state of mind.

For us, the 'Quiet Mind concept' is not just a design element, but a personal connection that resonates deeply within our home, creating a sense of belonging and tranquility. 

It's a state of mental tranquility during which the brain stops generating narratives, ideas, or scenarios and simply ceases its internal chatter. It's a state of pure calm and serenity, a mental space where one can find peace and clarity. 

With that being said, don't get the wrong idea - we are not talking about the classic sense of peace or calm - which practically shifts your mood to the optimistic and happy realms - the 'Quiet Mind concept' is pretty different.

Try to think of it as a movie scene:

A patient is lying in a hospital bed, in critical condition. Suddenly, Unfortunately, He passed away. Do you remember the display of the heart rate monitoring screen?

Exactly - a straight line.


dream home
Mind - a home design that turns it off


That's exactly how we envision our brain within our home - a straight line, a symbol of tranquility and peace without chatter. 

Imagine your brain at home as a calm lake, undisturbed by the ripples of cheerful thoughts or anxieties.

Not happy thoughts on the one hand and not anxieties on the other.

Nada - a straight line.

As discussed earlier, the design style outlined in paragraph one is the first step. However, you also have the power to create a peaceful atmosphere within your home, empowering you to shape your living space according to your emotional needs.

Given that your home is a cornerstone of stability in your life, it's not just beneficial but crucial to embrace the 'Quiet Mind concept' as a key element in maintaining a peaceful environment, providing you with a sense of reassurance and guidance in your home design journey.


On to the next one on our 'Dream Home' journey.



3. Physical Sensations.


It goes without saying that physical sensations are also a significant part of any 'Dream Home' components.

Quite similarly to what was noted above, here, too, the desired physical sensation within our home is 'muscle relaxation.'

You may be surprised to hear that this is a genuine 'thing' with a comprehensive scientific expression and even serious training techniques.

Muscle tension is a natural physical reaction of the human body due to feelings of tension, stress, and fear.

It's not an emotional/mental matter but rather an actual physical pain expressed in stiffness and a feeling of high muscle tension. The method/technique to deal with this is 'Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR).'

The preferred physical sensation within our Dream Home is extensive muscle relaxation. One that takes the 'straight-line' mentioned above (the one that expresses the silence prevailing within the mind) and reflects it physically.

You may call it 'Numbness' or 'Torpidness,' but the guiding principle will remain the same - a feeling of muscular relaxation.

Although it's pretty clear this physical condition also positively affects your mood, we deliberately won't dive into this issue since this paragraph focuses on bodily sensations only and not mental aspects.


my dream homeA physical feeling of relaxation


Although muscular tension relaxation is, as mentioned above, a 'Real' scientific condition with 'fancy' medical criteria, we are still pretty sure that most people already know what causes them to feel physical relaxation and what increases their senses of stiffness and muscular tension.

It's crucial to understand that the experience of physical sensations is deeply personal and subjective, respecting each individual's unique perception.


On to the next one on our 'Dream Home' journey.



4. Step By Step.


After defining our preferred design style and articulating our home's desired physical and emotional ambiance, let's embark on a detailed, step-by-step virtual tour of our Dream Home. This home is a unique blend of our preferred design style and personalized touches, creating a space that is truly ours.





American poet Henry David Thoreau once said:

"An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day."


Morning, with its unique ability to set the tone for the day, holds a special significance for us.

It symbolizes renewal/refreshment and a sense of new life. This rejuvenating start to the day, with its unique ability to set the tone for the day, is not just something we like - it's something we find truly fascinating.

After getting out of bed and taking care of all morning hygiene matters, we head towards the kitchen. This space is designed in a minimalist style, with clean lines and a calming color palette, creating a serene environment to start the day.

We start with a big glass of warm water with a lemon slice and then make a cup of coffee, setting the tone for a productive day.

Now, about that coffee, a whole sacred ritual is involved with it:

In the living room - which, as mentioned above, will be designed in a modern style with maximum penetration of sun rays - we will comfortably chill on our old armchair towards the backyard and slowly sip our hot coffee while reading something related to personal empowerment (We highly recommend the amazing Byron Katie). 

Short breathing exercises will also be involved in the process.

After the coffee ritual, we will walk lightly - while passing our cute and white corridor, which displays wallpapers and small eclectic-style accessories - towards our serenity room, where we will meditate for about ten minutes.


dream homeWin the morning - win the day!


Please check out this article for more details about our home morning routine.


On to the next one on our 'Dream Home' journey.




The famous Uruguayan journalist Eduardo Galeano once said:


"From 8 a.m. until noon, I am pessimistic. Then, from 1 p.m. until 4, I feel optimistic."


Mid-day is the heart of the day - The time at which the 'things' that move our world/economy take place.

Therefore, it is only natural that midday within our Dream Home will reflect design efficiency and functionality.

During the mid-day, you'll often find us in our home office, diligently working on tasks that contribute to the betterment of our community.


sweet blogNoon hours as the center of the day

Our home office is designed in such a way that allows for an extended and pleasant stay, ensuring you feel at ease while working on tasks that contribute to the betterment of our community. 

Design spacing for efficiency is our midday bread and butter.


On to the next one on our 'Dream Home' journey.





American novelist Sinclair Lewis once said:

"What is love? It is the morning and the evening star."

As the day winds down, the twilight hours of the evening become the most significant. They symbolize relaxation from the day's hustles, a time to unwind and find peace within our Dream Home.

At the end of the late afternoon hours, which are usually devoted to physical training in our home gym, the evening hours, on the other hand, are mainly dedicated to relaxation and the things we love, ensuring you feel calm and at peace within our Dream Home.

It's a kind of 'Cheat Time' for life's little pleasures.

In our mind's eye, we see ourselves relaxing on the sofa in our spacious modern-style living room, watching our favorite TV series while sipping a glass of fine red wine.


dream homeEvening-home time for relaxation


Not too long after the comforting glass of wine, our day will come to an end in our Scandinavian-style bedroom.

The Scandinavian style is a sophisticated combination of minimalism, functionality, and simplicity. Everything is in one place.

You can read more about it here.

Another noteworthy sacred principle within our bedroom is... No Screens!!

No phones, no TV, no tablets, etc. NADA!

Besides the health risk of exposure to the 'blue light' that radiates from those freaking devices, we find them highly distracting and time wasters. And that's without even going into the issue of the damage caused by the sophisticated social media algorithms that make you keep scrolling endlessly without any purpose...

It seems that it's quite understandable why this strategy is an essential part of any 'Dream Home' whatsoever.


infographic My Dream Home


Without even noticing, our day just ended. And we're about to fall asleep.

Thank you so much for being with us on the guided tour of our dream home.


We hope this article - 'My Dream Home - The House Of My Dreams' - helped you to a certain extent to connect a bit more with the topics we write about. And if you have any more questions on the matter, please feel free to reach out.


If you've made it this far, don't forget to jump into our collections page.

What are you waiting for?


For more fascinating and informative home design articles, visit our sweet blog and subscribe to our sweet community.



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The vision of your Dream Home, as outlined in this article, paints a vivid picture of a serene and uncluttered space characterized by modern simplicity. The emphasis on a clean and spacious visual aesthetic, often associated with the modern style, sets the tone for a home that exudes a sense of tranquility and freedom.

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